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  1. nucaptcha was working for a couple of years' but after update tng11 to tng12 it is gone. in ftp everything is still there. installed no captcha but i like to have nucaptcha back again.
  2. I have several people with Yearbook Entries I link the Jpegs of each page to a "Education" Event. When the persons page displays these Jpegs are in rows. is it possible to have these items display as columns in a single row or a table of 1 x 4 or 2 x 2? Or even better a MOD that allows several Items to be linked in a table format and that table be linked to the event. P.S. Is there anyway to have them display in order A-Z versus order of entry?
  3. A TNG user recently posted an idea for a new mod on the TNG users list. He requested APA formatted citations for the pages generated from getperson.php. I responded that Citation Master could produce that pretty easily and generated a couple of Citation Master v8 release candidates that incorporate the feature. As currently coded, the feature produces an additional section just above the citations that looks like (APA format): Reference: Herndon, William Robert. (2018, March 4). Donald Crain Herndon. TNG 11.0.1 Website. Retrieved from http://localhost:3030/getperson.php?personID=I2092&tree=tngtest The IEEE format looks like this: Reference: Herndon, William Robert. "Donald Crain Herndon," TNG 11.0.1 Website, March 4, 2018. [Online]. Available: http://localhost:3030/getperson.php?personID=I2092&tree=tngtest The idea being that your site's users could copy this reference from your site to theirs or for incorporation as a source in their own genealogy database. Here's the issue: At least one interested TNG user (and perhaps others) would like this feature without the bulk of Citation Master's other features, but I need Citation Master's internal formatting engine to make this work. The easiest way to make that happen would be to split Citation Master into two mods: One for the features, one for the formatting engine. I'd then create a new 'Page Reference' mod that would also depend on the formatting engine. So...the question for Citation Master's users: Would you still use the Citation Master if it were split in two, so that you'd have to install both the feature mod and the formatting engine mod? Let me make clear that I think this is a cool feature, but my existing users come first. So I'll figure out an alternative if splitting Citation Master isn't the preferred way to go. Thanks for your input and suggestions. Bill Herndon Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
  4. Rob van Rij

    Use remote media files

    I’m looking for a mod or solution to use remote media files instead of having to store these files in a directory on my host. Because extra hosting provider storage is expensive I want to offload the media files to either my NAS or my OneDrive. Who knows how to enable TNG to use remote media files or is aware of an existing mod. kind regards Rob
  5. This morning I went into mod manager and updated some mods. Alas the whole of TNG is now unavailable, and I can't even see a way to switch off the problem mod so I can fix things. I think the culprit might be the Show Signature mod? The error message is "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare showSigPhoto() (previously declared in /home/mywebsite/public_html/sites/all/libraries/tng/extensions/signature.php:8) in /home/mywebsite/public_html/sites/all/libraries/tng/extensions/signature.php on line 8" Any suggestions to help me get it running again? Thanks
  6. Hi, Just wondering if anyone has written a mod to use suggest form (suggest.php) to send to a specific email address for a branch? I am looking to try and implement collaboration between contributors to specific branches in my one-name study and would like to utilise a contact form via suggest.php to the branch specific alias of all contributors. This will enable the use of captcha and prevent direct spamming of an email address.
  7. I have released Simple SEO versions (TNG 10.1.0+), (TNG 11.0+), (TNG 11.1), and (TNG 11.1.1+) This release corrects a pretty serious privacy issue with living persons names being inappropriately displayed on the Family Group banner. It also adds internationalization support for Dutch, Czech, and Polish, and has been tested for TNG release 11.1.2. This version is recommended for all Simple SEO users. This will be the last release of Simple SEO for TNG release 10.1. Please see the Simple SEO Wiki page for additional information. Bill Herndon Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
  8. Bill Herndon

    Citation Master Mod v7 for TNG 11.1.2

    I have released Citation Master version for TNG 11.1.2. This version has no new functionality but incorporates all the version 7 functionality listed here. Please see the Citation Master Wiki page for additional information. Bill Herndon Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
  9. Hi All, While I was adding Template #15 to the TNG Colouring Book I was inspired by the flat look of the index page - and some recent webdesigns I've seen. So I created a design add-on that I call Flat and2 It removes shadows, 3D-borders and rounded corners making the interface "flat and squared". A collection of sample pages from different templates are found here: https://xerxx.se/f2/index.html The Wiki page is at https://tng.lythgoes.net/wiki/index.php?title=Flat_and_Squared_mod Happy New Year! Erik
  10. Does TNG track adds/changes/deletes? Currently, the People section of the What's New page just gives you a list of the people who have been edited recently. I'd like that to show what was changed as well. I glanced at the database in phpMyAdmin, but don't think the structure has a change tracking mechanism right now. It would involve at least one other table, which could track actual changed data by field, or maybe a note on what was changed, which the user would be prompted to enter when saving out of editperson.php. Then the What's New query could be modified to check the change tracking table for entries. Any thoughts about this?
  11. XerxX

    Fan Chart Text-align Fix

    Hi all, I just upgraded to v11 and found the Fan Chart really nice. There is, however, in my view a problem in generation 5: There is too much space "above" the text/name: . I have found how to tweak it (and I also add some space for generation 3) and post it here in "Mod-format": %target:fan.php% %location:% // console.log("placeWrappedText: %s",pText); %end:% %insert:before% if (gens == 4) originY -= 16; // Modfd: Remove space from gen 5 if (gens == 2) originY += 8; // Modfd: Add space to gen 3 %end:% The result for generation 5: I DON'T post this as a Mod in the TNG Wiki because I suppose it will soon be fixed by Darrin. He's notified of this. (If you think it should be a Wiki Mod: Be my guest to post it!) Regards, Erik
  12. Only on Wamp Server TNG 11.0.1, occasionally getting this overflow error with the J.Robison's Relationship Display Mod. Appears to happen when a nesting level is reached, while calculating relationships. Is there a setting somewhere for this, or a Wamp server limitation? Works fine on Live and Test websites. Is it possible a Windows memory constraint reached? The last entry in memory column is 1,500,000+. Ron TNG 11.0.1 http://www.kmtrees.com wampserver 2.5,legacy 7.5, family historian 6.2.2, win 10 pro
  13. There is no support for this mod, so I am addressing here. After an update, Add GOV-ID Mod cannot be install line 23: %target:admin_places.php% line 25: %location:% pas installéline 32: %location:% pas installéline 41: %location:% pas installéline 54: %location:% pas installéline 63: %location:% pas installéline 70: %location:% pas installéline 77: %location:% pas installéline 84: %location:% pas installéline 98: %location:% pas installéline 107: %target:admin_addplace.php% line 108: %location:% pas installéline 115: %location:% Mauvais cibleline 123: %target:admin_editplace.php% line 124: %location:% pas installéline 138: %target:admin_newplace.php% line 139: %location:% pas installéline 147: %target:admin_updateplace.php% line 148: %location:% pas installéline 155: %location:% pas installéline 163: %target:admin_mergeplaces.php% line 164: %location:% pas installéline 171: %location:% pas installéline 178: %location:% pas installéline 186: %target:placesearch.php% line 187: %location:% pas installéline 194: %location:% pas installéline 227: %location:% pas installéline 243: %location:% pas installéline 258: %target:admin_gedcom2.php% line 259: %location:% pas installéline 286: %location:% pas installéline 293: %location:% pas installéline 302: %target:gedimport_misc.php% line 303: %location:% Mauvais cibleline 311: %location:% pas installéline 324: %location:% pas installéline 331: %location:% pas installéline 341: %target:languages/English/cust_text.php% line 342: %location:% pas installéline 358: %target:languages/English-UTF8/cust_text.php% line 359: %location:% pas installéline 375: %target:languages/German/cust_text.php% line 377: %location:% pas installéline 393: %target:languages/German-UTF8/cust_text.php% line 395: %location:% pas installé And with the analyzer: >>> admin_addplace.php add_gov_id_11.0.2.07.cfg Cacher modifications // Location 1 %location:% $notes = addslashes($notes); %end:% %insert:after% $govid = addslashes($govid); %end:% // Location 2 %location:% $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $places_table (gedcom,place,placelevel,temple,latitude,longitude,zoom,notes,geoignore) VALUES (\"$tree\",\"$place\",\"$placelevel\",\"$temple\",\"$latitude\",\"$longitude\",\"$zoom\",\"$notes\",\"0\")"; %end:% %replace:% $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $places_table (gedcom,place,placelevel,temple,latitude,longitude,zoom,notes,GOVid,geoignore) VALUES (\"$tree\",\"$place\",\"$placelevel\",\"$temple\",\"$latitude\",\"$longitude\",\"$zoom\",\"$notes\",\"$govid\",\"0\")"; %end:% >>> gedimport_misc.php: add_gov_id_11.0.2.07.cfg Cacher modifications // Location 1 %location:% $place = addslashes($place); $note = ""; %end:% %insert:after% $govid = ""; %end:% // Location 2 %location:% case "MAP": case "_MAP": $map = getMapCoords( $lineinfo['level']); break; %end:% %insert:before% case "_GOV": $govid = $lineinfo['rest']; $lineinfo = getLine(); break; %end:% // Location 3 %location:% $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $places_table (place,gedcom,longitude,latitude,zoom,placelevel,temple,notes,geoignore) VALUES(\"$place\", \"$treeval\", \"{$map['long']}\", \"{$map['lati']}\", \"{$map['zoom']}\", \"{$map['placelevel']}\", \"$temple\", \"$note\", \"0\" )"; %end:% %replace:% $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $places_table (place,gedcom,longitude,latitude,zoom,placelevel,temple,notes,geoignore,GOVid) VALUES(\"$place\", \"$treeval\", \"{$map['long']}\", \"{$map['lati']}\", \"{$map['zoom']}\", \"{$map['placelevel']}\", \"$temple\", \"$note\", \"0\", \"$govid\" )"; %end:% // Location 4 %location:% $query = $query . $query1 . " WHERE place=\"$place\"$treecriteria"; %end:% %insert:before% if($govid) { $query1 .= ", GOVid=\"$govid\""; } %end:% By editing the 2 files admin_addplace and gedimport_misc, I do not find the changes announced by the analyzer ??? What to do ? thank you for the answer JLouis modifications de code spécifiés: 33; modifiés: 0 copies de fichiers spécifiés: 0; copié: 0 nouveaux fichiers spécifiés: 0; créé: 0 erreurs: 2
  14. bobbyfamilytree

    Relationship to site owner mod

    I'm using the Relationship to site owner mod which I like very much thanks. I've just noticed, with regards my uncle and his children (my cousins) that I get the following: My Uncle: XXXX XXXXX is the cousin once removed of Bobby Gambrill (the owner of this site) Cousin: (it lists both for each cousin) XXXXX XXXXXX  is the cousin of Bobby Gambrill (the owner of this site) & XXXXX XXXXXX is the 2 x cousin of Bobby Gambrill (the owner of this site) My Aunt, whom is related to the above is listed correctly as Aunt, and so are all other folks on my paternal side and selected others on maternal side I had removed the mod and re-installed and am using v. I wonder if it is doing this because my mother and her sister, married cousins and therefore this is causing confusion. I have only 1 tree and could not see any duplications for the branch involved.
  15. The Private Media Mod won't install to my TNG v 11.1.1 Why? I have attached a screen print!
  16. dsmith49

    What plugin/mod is this?

    Hi, I really like the "In Memoriam" mod this person has on their TNG site. Can anyone tell me what the name of this mod is? I'd like to incorporate it onto my page. http://www.robisonandblythe.org/ Thanks! Dan
  17. I've just released version of templates NearDawn and NearDark (drop in replacements for Template 8 with many features, more legible fonts, and a less cluttered appearance). This release adds support for seven additional languages out-of-the-box. The complete list of supported languages is: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish. The Wiki pages have also been updated and both templates have been tested with TNG release 11.1.1. The installation support mod NearD Support has also been updated and tested. Bill Herndon Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
  18. I've just released version of templates NearDawn and NearDark (drop in replacements for Template 8 with many features, more legible fonts, and a less cluttered appearance). This release adds support for seven additional languages out-of-the-box. The complete list of supported languages is: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish. The Wiki pages have also been updated and both templates have been tested with TNG release 11.1.1. The installation support mod NearD Support has also been updated and tested. Bill Herndon Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
  19. Ken Roy

    Tuning for Mobile Display

    A whole series of mods to make TNG more responsive in mobile environments on both smart phones and tablets have been added to the TNG Wiki and are anchored in an overview article called Tuning for Mobile Display Mods included are  Responsive Tables which is a series of different mods as well as responsive table replacements for other mods Mobile Site Enhancements Mobile Site No Previews Mobile Media Mobile Individual Page MapYou can find more information in the following locations: Tablesaw jQuery pluginsResponsive TablesGoogle mobile-friendly evaluationThanks to Gustave Dahl who initially investigate and created a mod to add the Tablesaw jQuery plugin for Responsive Tables and provided help through out the beta test. Thanks to Graham Chamberlain, Del Groves, Roger Moffat, Robin Richmond, Colin Spencer, David A. Jamieson, David Beckwith, and Rudi Schmit for testing and feedback during the last 6 weeks beta test. Thanks to Darrin Lythgoe for providing the code to suppress the Person and Family previews for smart phones. Please read the instructions closely in the TNG Wiki mod articles, since some mods must be uninstalled before installing the new mods.  
  20. mkoche

    Should I share these Mods?

    Not sure if these are of interest to anyone. I am not a coding expert but I have designed a few mods that I like. What is the appropriate way to share them??? My Mods Search My Line I use the bold ancestor child links mod and really like it because it shows me quickly where I am when I am working on my family. [The mod requires the creation of a branch for direct line ancestors]. Building off of this, I wanted to be able to search only direct ancestors when I needed to. This is super handy for seeing whole portions of a family. I created a little mod that adds in a check box in the search form to narrow the search to direct ancestors [already identified by branch]. Search No Parents This is another check box that limits search results to people with no parents. Combined with the first mod, I am able to see only my Treetops ancestors with little effort - and work on lines at the very end. Example: Look at the two fields under the "Show Death/Burial Information" line. My Capital Search This Mod adds two criteria to the search form for the firstname and lastname fields. One is ALL CAPS. I use all CAPS in the first or last name fields to identify "troubled spots" in my family research and to alert anyone looking at my data that it should be viewed with suspicion. The trouble is I need to be able to find these trouble spots when I am researching. The ALL CAPS search returns only names that are in All capitals helping me to navigate easily. While I was at it, I added one that is probably of little utility to anybody else -- does not contain. I want to be able to exclude some records that contain the word "family" or 'generations" from searches and this allows me to easily do that. Example: Look at the last two pull down fields on the first and last name menus My Perhaps Mod Guessed dates and uncertain links (parent to child or spouse to spouse), which many of us identify with the words "about," "before," or "after" in the first case, and which, I at least, identify with capitalized names in the second case are like codes that say "hey, this is a guess or maybe a little better than guess." But there is no reason why everyone who visits our websites should know that. So.... I created this mod to add the word "perhaps" next to the title fields on the getperson page. I know that this follows my own system but I think it would be easy to modify for other approaches. Example: Look down at the "Name" and "Born" fields. Given my status as a super novice, there is surely much to be improved in these. And I made them to serve my needs. However, I would be happy to share them, just need some advice on how. Each follows the mod format, identifying TNG 11.0.2 as the latest version they work with (because I do not know how to determine if they will work with earlier versions. Advice? Cheers, Scott * * * UPDATE 26 May 2017 The Search my Line Only mod and the Search no Parents have been combined in a single package and shared as Direct Line Search mod. I think I found most of the problems - one can only hope. The Capital Search and My Perhaps Mod don't seem to resonate with folks -- different approaches! The wiki page for the Direct Line Search Mod is http://tng.lythgoes.net/wiki/index.php/Direct_Line_Search
  21. Anke

    Multi language pages

    Hello, I'm not really that experienced with TNG and its addons yet. Since my folks is spread all over the world, I'd like to provide English information besides my mother tongue, e.g. in fields like captions, notes etc., i.e. it would be nice to have one field per language. Is there a way to accomplish this within the TNG core (by a setting I didn't discover yet) or is there a mod or addon providing multi language fields? Regards Anke
  22. Hi, I updated from TNG8 to TNG11 and would like to update the Geocode Assist Mod as well, seeing in the Wiki that version 10 of the Geocode Assist Mod has successfully been installed in TNG11. However the download link seems to be broken; clicking on it leads to a 404 error. Would be nice if this could be fixed. Regards Anke
  23. I have four mods installed in my TNG v11. The fourth one, the 'Relationship to Site Owner Mod', doesn't always work, and I don't understand why. Sometimes it does work, and most of the time it doesn't. And what's more, the line that shows this particular Mod in the admin section of TNG, has a different color than the other lines. (please see attachment) Is that supposed to mean something? Then I thought, maybe I set the 'Maximum number of relationships to show.' to a too high number. So I set it to 5, and then opened the page of my grandfather... But this Mod didn't show anything. Tips/tricks/suggestions anyone? //edit: second question... How easy would it be to make this specific feature available only to logged in users, and not to the general public?
  24. Hi I can't find if this question has been asked before, but I was wondering if it would be very difficult/complicated to add Series/Collections to the Census Plus International mod? I would like to add the Icelandic census, which is a bit simpler than the "Other Census" option that is available. Best regards Rakel
  25. I have released Citation Master versions (TNG 10.0.2), (TNG 10.1), (TNG 11.0) and (TNG 11.1). This version adds support for three additional citation fields, _CDSC (database field 'description'), _CTXT (field 'citetext') and _CDTE (field 'citedate'). It also adds a new formatting option, 'format' which can be used with date fields stored in the DB or in custom events. (See the documentation and examples.) Version is compatible with TNG 11.1 and adds support for moving the extensions directory (a TNG 11.0.2 feature). This update is required for users of TNG 11.1 and is optional for TNG 11.0 and 10.X users. Version will be the last update to this mod for TNG 10.0. Please see the Citation Master Wiki page for additional information. Bill Herndon Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
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