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Surname cloud and trees


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Hello !

On a test site http://tng12.katrynou.fr/ , I tried to organize the people in trees, while I never used them on the main site.

I cannot remember exactly, but I do not think that the surname cloud is included in Template 13, so I must have modified the files somehow.

Problem lies with using several trees. The surname cloud displays the names and number of persons for the whole site, all trees included. While the links when you click on a surname leads only to the main tree.

Look at the surname Deroudille : it's large enough because, when you hover it, its population is 24. But when you click on it, the list includes only 10 persons.

Some name may appear only in secondary trees : look at Bompar. In the cloud you can see there are 5 persons. When you click on it, it leads to a no-result page. Because the search is made only on the main tree.

I think that the surname cloud code should be modified so that by default the search from its surnames is done on the whole site, all trees included and not on the main tree only.



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Does this occur where a user is logged in?

Have you restricted a non logged in user to the one tree?

Is the difference between the 24 and 10 persons only because of names in a different tree or are some Private due to user not logged in?


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Hi Brett !

It occurs whether one is logged or not.

The only restriction is that details less 100 years old are hidden from non logged users (only the surname is displayed with first letter of given name, but all the persons are displayed to anyone)

I haven't restricted access to any tree according to user. The difference between 24 and 10 is that there are 24 persons on the whole site, all trees included and 10 persons on the main tree (I mean the first created)

The surname cloud displays information (number  of persons, and size of the name according to it) for the whole site, but the links under each surname leads only to the main tree.

NOTE : it is not important for me, since I decided that organization in trees was not what I needed. I will keep to one only tree for the main site.

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I have tested this on Template 12 and works as it should.

A quick suggestion. Change to Template 12 and see if it still does not work as expected.

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In Setup >> Configuration >> General Settings Site Design and Definition, Katryne had a Default Tree chosen. Removing this shows persons from all trees, as was wanted.

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Hi Brett

Following on from your last post perhaps I could comment from my own experience. I have two trees on board but they serve two totally distinct and separate functions and populations. The much larger and active tree is my own family history and that tree is divided into seven branches. The much smaller tree is my University Year Club and the only common factor between the two is me. Consequently I do NOT want people from the smaller tree being displayed alongside people from the larger one. I achieved this by creating a session variable which was filled by the tree variable according to which part of the website the reader was coming and then disabling the treedropdown feature.

From my home page, the first seven parts accessed from the banners in the left hand column are controlled by the larger tree and its branches; the tartan banner is controlled by the smaller tree; the grey pages which are not tree dependent does not have treedropdown disabled. So, for instance, surnames from any of the seven pages display larger tree names; surnames from the tartan pages displays surnames from the smaller tree; surnames from the grey pages displays all surnames.

I have placed the surnames cloud onto this landing page (which is not exactly within the TNG environment). It probably only shows surnames from the larger tree anyway because the largest number in the smaller tree is only 18.

 The Extended Craxford Family Web Site


(If you want to try it out I could give you a particular surname to search for)


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