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CPI table missing during TNG / MOD Reinstall


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Good afternoon,

I had to reinstall TNG after a major Windows-10 problem. During the re-install of TNG, the restore data tables would not work so I tried to invoke the mySQLdumper solution. That proved problematic since I did not have a sql.dz file to import.

After de-selecting the CPI tables, I achieved a good restore. Then, in reviewing the CPI MOD (v10.1.0.4b), I found the cp_summary table was not in the table list. I uninstalled the MOD and attempted to reinstall it – and in the first step I got the “Census Plus Label Table created and populated!”

In the Create CPI Indices step, I got an error:

ALTER TABLE `cp_data` ADD INDEX `BaseID` ( `cpbaseID` ) ... Cannot execute query: ALTER TABLE `cp_data` ADD INDEX `BaseID` ( `cpbaseID` )

I did move ahead and created the tables, which still left me without the cp-summary table.

Attempting to create the Census Plus Head table as cp_base
Attempting to create the Census Plus Data table as cp_data
Attempting to create the Census Plus Link table as cp_link
Cannot execute query: CREATE TABLE cp_link ( cplinkID INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, cpdataID INT(11), cpbaseID INT(11), gedcom VARCHAR(20), cpersonID VARCHAR(12), eventtypeID INT(11), cpeventID INT(11), cplinktype VARCHAR(4), censusYear VARCHAR(4), PRIMARY KEY (cplinkID) ) ENGINE = MYISAM

After restoring the data, I got a “Cannot execute query: DELETE FROM cp_summary”, otherwise the MOD appears to function on any given individual’s page with a census matrix – but I am not about to try a new census import.

What must I have to do to get the MOD working again?

Thank you,


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Sorry, I am traveling today and do not have the time to fully analyze this issue.  You could try dropping the CPI tables and recreating them in the Mod Manager screen.  Hopefully you have a backup that you can restore in the Utilities screen.  If not use the backup from your production site.

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Thank you Ken. I do have the data in a backup file - I simply don't have the summary table to restore that data.

I did drop the tables and went thru a "full" re-install procedure in the MOD manager screen notwithstanding the above error message.  As it stands now I have four apparently, fully restored tables: cp_base, cp_data, cp_tabel, cp_link, but no cp_summary. 

Note the misspelling of "table" as it appears in my phpMyAdmin, irrespective of its possible role in the error msg or failure to create cp_summary.  I would correct it but I have a way of ruining relationship tables...:)  It is misspelled the same way on the live site.

Safe travels.


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Double check that you customconfig.php contains

//Added for Census Plus International mod
$cp_data = "cp_data";
$cp_base = "cp_base";
$cp_link = "cp_link";
$cp_label = "cp_label";
$cp_summary = "cp_summary";
$cp_veteran = "cp_veteran";

I don't see  where you could have gotten cp_tabel

You will have help determine what data is contained in the cp_tabel so it can be renamed appropriated.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry for the delayed reply. I thought I was patiently waiting for a reply from you! And good gracious - I read cp_label wrong. Is not cp_tabel. Tired eyes?

I do have the lines mentioned above in the customconfig.php. Since my last post I did get cp_summary created; but when I tried to restore the data, I got "Cannot execute query: DELETE FROM cp_summary"

As I was working with the tree today I came upon this error that seems to be related. The error kept person's page from displaying:

Cannot execute query: SELECT total_nbr, males0to5, males5to10, males10to15, males15to20, males20to30, males30to40, males40to50, males50to60, males60to70, males70to80, males80to90, males90to100, males100plus, slave_males0to9, slave_males10to23, slave_males24to35, slave_males36to55, slave_males55to99, slave_males100plus, colored_males0to9, colored_males10to24, colored_males24to35, colored_males35to55, colored_males55to100, colored_males100plus, females0to5, females5to10, females10to15, females14to45, females15to20, females20to30, females30to40, females40to50, females50to60, females60to70, females70to80, females80to90, females90to100, females100plus, slave_females0to9, slave_females10to23, slave_females24to35, slave_females36to55, slave_females55to99, slave_females100plus, colored_females0to9, colored_females10to24, colored_females24to35, colored_females35to55, colored_females55to100, colored_females100plus, sourceWebsite, siteName FROM cp_summary WHERE cplinkID = "23247" AND gedcom = "CFT" AND censusYear = "1840" AND personID = "I15798"


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In fact the cp_summary is not in the local database - only in the live site. So, the "Cannot execute query: SELECT total_nbr, males0to5 ... " results in the #1146 - Table 'genealogy.cp_summary' doesn't exist.


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Well you should be able to backup your production cp_summary table and restore it on your local site.

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Restoring a table structure was a new experience for me. I found instructions online and managed to successfully export/import the cp_summary table structure. So now, it appears that the CPI MOD is once more fully functional. Thank you.


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